Please Enter player's last name and Registration number
EXACTLY as shown on Player's Card (only Current (not expired) Players registrations will be accepted)
This polling system is NOT intended to be used as a primary driver of team classifications. It is however, a great place for players to cast their votes to indicate team strength opinions from the player's point of view.
Rules 1. In order to vote players must have a CURRENT SPA registration. 2. Players may rank their 10 top ten teams then register their vote. 3. Players may vote as often as they like, but only ONCE each 7 days. 4. Players may only vote One age/class combination per week. 5. Players may vote only in age/class combinations in which they participate. 6. Team points will be awarded as follows each time a player votes: 1st - 10 points 2nd - 9 points 3rd - 8 points 4th - 7 points 5th - 6 points 6th - 5 points 7th - 4 points 8th - 3 points 9th - 2 points 10th - 1 point 5.
All Team points are cumulative through the season.